Weight loss, getting out of debt…and learning a new language? Sure, why not?
Language learning for a New Year’s resolution has gained popularity in recent years, especially with online learning platforms like Pimsleur. But like other commitments, the “new year, new language” resolution requires a realistic plan, firm commitment, and a willingness to set aside excuses to achieve your goals!
Before you start learning a new language as a New Year’s resolution, let’s take a look at why it’s a worthwhile endeavor, find ways to keep your goals on track, discuss tips on setting goals for languages, and more!
OK…ready to commit to your New Year’s resolution to learn a new language? Let’s go!
Why Make Language Learning Your New Year’s Resolution?

The better question might be…why not? Learning a new language as a New Year’s resolution will ensure next year will exceed last year, in terms of:
Family connections. Acquiring a new language is a great way to converse with relatives, at home and abroad!
Career advancement. Does your job reward multilingual talent? A New Year’s resolution to learn a new language just might be the ticket to a better career!
Cultural knowledge. Picking up a new language opens doors you never thought possible. Learn more about interesting history. Enjoy an authentic ethnic meal – and order off the menu in the native language. Watch a foreign film without the subtitles. It’s all up to you for next year!
Setting New Year’s Resolutions for Languages: Sticking to Your Learning Goals
Once you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to learn a new language, it’s time to get to work! Here are some tips and tricks to stick to your goals and stay motivated.
Make a daily or weekly time commitment. If you’re able to set aside a certain amount of time per day (30 minutes, 45 minutes, or more), that’s great! But let’s be honest…life gets in the way sometimes. If your schedule is somewhat haphazard, make a weekly commitment instead!
Sign up with Pimsleur. It helps to have some expert instruction and helpful lessons at your disposal. And Pimsleur delivers a highly accessible, intuitive, proven way to learn a new language (or multiple languages) heading into the new year!
Integrate your learning into real-life experiences. Want to jumpstart your New Year’s resolution to learn a new language? Put what you’re learning into practice! If you’re learning German, make an authentic German dish in your kitchen. Want to acquire Italian? Watch an Italian movie with English subtitles on as you’re getting started. You can apply this to any language, for any medium…art, news, cuisine, you name it!
Embrace the Journey of Learning a New Language in the New Year

Learning a new language as a New Year’s resolution is an awesome investment in yourself! As you’re learning your new language, learn as much as you can, whenever you can! This is where Pimsleur offers great benefits, as our language learning app can be used away from home and on the go for anytime, anywhere enlightenment.
As you’re learning, realize that it’s more about the journey than the ultimate destination. Bring genuine effort and enthusiasm to your language learning for a New Year’s resolution, and you’ll soon discover that this educational initiative is not only rewarding – it’s immensely fun!Best of luck heading into the new year! And if you’re really ambitious, who knows…a year from now, you just might be able to say Merry Christmas in multiple languages!
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